Feasting with athletes Pt. 01: Energy Balls

Von Calvin Mochalski

Zuletzt aktualisisert: 27.10.2022 / 2 Min. Lesezeit
Table of contents
Energy Balls

Looking for a small snack for training? Then the Energy Balls are the perfect solution.

"Since the balls are very rich, I eat them mainly during long training rides in the basic area. So on workouts between 4-6 hours. I also like to take them with me to training camps, as the healthy snacks are hard to find or expensive in Spain and Italy, for example."

- Lisa Robb


200 g Datteln
200 g Haferflocken
20 g Leinsamen
20 g gemischte Nüsse
15 g Roh-Kakao

Zubereitung – so geht’s:

1. Zerkleinere die Datteln in einem Mixer
2. Füge alle weiteren Zutaten hinzu
3. Vermenge alles zu einer klebrigen Masse
4. Forme Bällchen und bewahre sie im Kühlschrank auf